Systemic Pedophilia Within An Institution In Crisis

Your Lot and Parcel

Apr 29 2024 • 47 mins

With over 45 years of courtroom experience, Mark was one of the first attorneys to sue the Catholic Church over sexual abuse by clergy, an experience that inspired his debut novel, Betrayal of Faith. Mark decided to author a novel about his experience handling the case. Bello's fictional protagonist, Zachary Blake, and his “ripped from the headlines” escapades take readers deep into Blake’s many quests for justice and provide readers with front-row access to the courtroom. Mark’s eighth Blake series novel, You Have A Right to Remain Silent, his new cookbook, L’Dor V’Dor II, The Blake-Lewin Family Cookbook of Traditional Jewish Recipes, and the first edition in his children’s safety/social justice picture-book series (Happy Jack—Sad Jack, A Bullying Story and Asher's Distracted Lesson)  have all earned awards, rave reviews and currently working towards a TV series!