Pet Loss and Grief

The Cheetah Print Chats

Aug 2 2023 • 33 mins

If there was ever an episode where I felt like it was a therapy session, it's this one. But I hope that it will help you who are also grieving a pet. Not everyone gets it, and that can make it harder to deal with and heal. But there are people that DO get it. I'm one of them.

In this episode I share my stories of pet loss, grief, guilt, and even feelings around adopting new pets.

If it's too hard to listen right now and you need to come back to this, just remember that it's OK to grieve on your own timeline and how you need. No one else gets an opinion.

I mentioned an Instagram page that really helped me the last few years and I hope she can help you as well. Her IG handle is @petlosspsychologist.

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