A Prosecutor's Point of View with Angela Sarabia

Her Empowered Divorce

Oct 4 2023 • 51 mins

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We will be doubling up on our episodes to bring you the most comprehensive view of domestic violence possible. To learn more about Domestic Violence you can go to https://www.divorcecoalition.com

Legal issues in divorces involving domestic violence can be complex and sensitive, requiring careful consideration by both the legal system and the victims. One of the primary legal concerns is ensuring the safety and protection of the victim and any children involved. This may involve obtaining restraining orders or protection orders to keep the abusive spouse away from the victim. Child custody and visitation rights can also be contentious, as the court must determine what is in the best interests of the children while ensuring their safety. In this episode of Her Empowered Divorce, your Host, Beverly Price, talks to Angela Sarabia, an attorney who has spent most of her career prosecuting crimes, especially violent crimes against women. Together, they discuss domestic violence, Legal issues involved in divorces that include domestic violence, and how to seek support.

●     What happens once law enforcement has been called? Once law enforcement has been called, it’s determined to be an actual domestic violence situation; law enforcement officials must follow a mandatory arrest policy.

●     States define domestic violence differently, but it generally includes physical and emotional violence, people who live together or share a child in common; if there is violence between them, that is considered domestic violence.

●     Isolation can make you feel helpless in domestic violence situations when it’s time to leave, but you are not alone. There are all kinds of organizations and support programs, and you need to go to these outreach programs to get support.

●     Regardless of how you feel, if you are a victim going through a divorce, follow the advice of your attorney, cease all communication with the battler, and obtain a restraining order to keep yourself and your loved one safe.


●     Women in a domestic violence situation tend to face a risk of fatality if they don’t exist that violent circumstance. (Angela)

●     Oftentimes, the abuser, as much as they are a source of risk for women, they are their source of security and support, and a lot of time, it’s financial support. (Angela)

●     Domestic violence itself is isolating because as much as we have progressed as a society, there is still a huge stigma attached to it. (Angela)

●     A safety plan is strategic and smart; it’s having all your documents in a place where they are easy to grab, people you know you can confide in and give a call to pick you up and have reached out to the domestic violence organization. (Angela)

●     We often think of domestic violence as something that occurs in uneducated communities, but it cuts across every socioeconomic status and education level, so let's stop seeing it as isolated to one type of community and see it as something that we all struggle with and remove the stigma.

●     Violence is not an outburst of somebody who has lost control of themselves; it’s an outburst of somebody who is trying to gain control of the situation.

●      If you are isolated, find your sources of support, and don’t be afraid to call law enforcement and reach out to organizations and support programs. There is overwhelming support for you out there.


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