Can Menopause Cause Divorce? with Claire Gill

Her Empowered Divorce

Sep 27 2023 • 40 mins

The Intersection Between Menopause and Divorce

HOST: Beverly Price, Divorce & Empowerment Coach

GUEST: Claire Gill, The founder of the National Menopause Foundation


Whether you are facing divorce before, during, or after menopause, there is an undeniable link between the two. The interplay between the emotional and physical changes that accompany menopause can significantly impact one's thoughts, decisions, and experiences during a divorce. Hormonal fluctuations, menopausal symptoms, and the onset of new health concerns during menopause can amplify the challenges associated with separation and lead to a profound reevaluation of life's priorities. Understanding this connection and seeking the right support is crucial for navigating this complex intersection of life changes. In this episode of Her Empowered Divorce, your Host, Beverly Price, talks to Claire Gill, the founder of the National Menopause Foundation. They discuss how menopause and divorce intersect, the impact of the menopause transition on women physically and psychologically, especially in marital relationships, and how you can empower yourself to navigate this unique journey.

Divorce doesn’t have to be a death sentence. With the right support and guidance, you can move through the process with knowledge, skills, and confidence. If you’d like to schedule a complimentary private consultation, reach out to Beverly at:

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  • “This is my experience; is this menopause?” This is the most FAQ about menopause. When women younger than the average age of entering menopause (51) start exhibiting symptoms, they are often very confused. Perimenopause can start 7-10 years before you have your final periods.
  • If you are thinking about ending your marriage, you need to get the support you need with both the issues in your relationships and your health, whether it’s night sweats, insomnia, irritability, or anxiety. These experiences can impact your thoughts about divorce and how you manage that process.
  • What can you do if you are in menopause with the loss of libido? There are things that can be done, such as Hormone replacement therapy, that help the woman and the relationship, but you need to be very mindful of what is happening to you and what is happening in your relationship.
  • How to prepare for menopause: The things that we need to do to prepare for menopause are the things that we need to do for our overall health. Diet and exercise are important for us throughout our life span, but particularly as we reach middle age.
  • Take stock of your own health, write down any of those symptoms that you're having to have a better sense of what is happening to you, talk to your health provider about your stage of life and what your risk factors might be for any of the conditions that come in mid-life, and research and help educate yourself about menopause.


  • Menopause is when your periods stop consistently for 12 consecutive months; everything before it is perimenopause, and everything after it is post-menopause. (Claire)
  • Even if menopause is going on and the symptoms are happening, that doesn't mean it is your fault...