4 Types of Stories to Tell in Your Coaching Business

Make It Visible

Feb 10 2023 • 31 mins

Is your coaching business the BEST KEPT SECRET that NO ONE knows about?

Storytelling is an effective way to connect with your target audience and build emotional connections with them.

It helps to make your message more relatable and memorable, which can lead to increased engagement and trust.

When it comes to coaching, storytelling can be a powerful tool to help potential clients understand the value of your services and how you can help them achieve their goals.

.....Annnnnd did I mention it's just A LOT more fun than the boring stuff you download from a template

or MAYBE generated by a ROBOT?

In fact, it is YOUR secret awesome that makes you TOTALLY STAND OUT from the crowd!

When you share your own personal and professional experiences, you can build credibility and establish yourself as an authority in your field. IF NOT YOU, THEN WHO?

BUT....there're soooooo many stories in life; exactly which story should you tell to make the MOST IMPACT for your audience? How do you choose and decide?

In this episode, I talked about the 4 types of storytelling that you should have in your coaching business that will captivate your audience, grow your audience and generate more sales!

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