Perry Doody - How HR Teams Can Pivot From Being Tactical to Being Strategic

HR Data Labs podcast

Feb 29 2024 • 30 mins

Perry Doody is the owner of Above the Rings Consulting and Performance. After
over 10 years as the founding partner and president of CompTrak, Perry sought
to continue his career in consulting with a newfound approach that combines
insights from the worlds of business and fitness.

In this episode, Perry talks about how people are an important asset to
companies and why it’s critical for HR teams to be more strategic.

[0:00 - 6:12] Introduction
• Welcome, Perry!
• Today’s Topic: How HR Teams Can Pivot From Being Tactical to Being
[6:13 - 12:57] What differentiates a good HR department from a great HR
• The CEO must recognize that HR is a critical component to the overall
• People need to focus on doing less and doing it well, instead of doing a lot of
things in a mediocre way
[12:58 - 17:07] Is busy work holding HR back from being more strategic?
• Adapting legacy systems to new needs can often be more difficult than building
new systems from scratch
• HR teams should add people from diverse backgrounds
[17:08 - 29:27] What enables a company to pivot from being tactical to being
more strategic?
• What is the CEO’s relationship with HR and its goals?
• How bad administrative decisions can antagonize HR strategies
[29:28 - 30:53] Closing
• Thanks for listening!

“People are [a company’s] capital—they are an asset, and I don’t think every
company looks at it that way. The strategic ones do.”

“Becoming more strategic involves change, and a lot of us are resistant to
change, . . . but the way you get over this is by looking to competitors, other
industries, and even your personal life.”

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Dwight's LinkedIn
Podcast Manger: Karissa Harris
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