Karen Catlin - Creating More Inclusive Workplaces with Everyday Acts of Allyship

HR Data Labs podcast

Jan 25 2024 • 32 mins


Karen Catlin is a 25-year veteran of the tech industry turned leadership coach, acclaimed author, and speaker on inclusive workplaces. She coaches women to be stronger leaders and men who want to be better allies for underrepresented groups.

In this episode, Karen talks about the Better Allies approach and creating more inclusive workplaces with everyday acts of allyship.


[0:00 - 3:54] Introduction

  • Welcome, Karen!
  • Today’s Topic: Creating More Inclusive Workplaces with Everyday Acts of Allyship

[3:55 - 13:07] What gets in the way of people actually becoming more inclusive?

  • Being a better ally means getting comfortable with making mistakes
  • Why it’s important to learn how to properly apologize

[13:08 - 24:13] Tangible actions that can help you become a better workplace ally

  • The 7 roles allies can play
  • Example of being a sponsor, an amplifier, and an up-stander

[24:14 - 31:11] How allies can help course-correct larger systemic issues

  • Being a knight vs being an ally and why they’re not the same thing
  • Even if you’re not a leader, you can drive systemic changes at your company

[31:12 - 32:08] Closing

  • Thanks for listening!


“People don’t want to be better allies, or speak up, or do something because they are afraid of getting it wrong.”

“You can take action for one person, but then ask yourself if there’s something you can do to have a larger, systemic impact that really would be ideal for your organization.”

Karen's Books

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Podcast Manger: Karissa Harris
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Production by Affogato Media