Episode 24 - How to create and collaborate like a punk

The Storytelling with Heart Podcast

Dec 20 2023 • 1 hr 25 mins

It’s easy to get stuck in the same-old, same-old.

If you’re like many people these days, you might feel like you have to put your own creative, playful leanings aside for the sake of business or all the responsibilities of adult life.

Maybe somewhere along the way, you put your passion projects on the shelf. Or you started playing within your comfort zone, just doing things you’re good at, rather than branching out and trying something new.

If any of this rings true for you — or if you simply want a dose of creative inspiration — check out today’s podcast episode.

Fair warning, this episode is a bit unusual: rather than a traditional interview, it brings together a group of old friends who explore the lessons they learned from the ‘90s hardcore punk scene.

What can a niche subculture (and a group of aging punks) teach us? Turns out, quite a bit.

While also covering a bit of ‘90s nostalgia (big pants! Mix tapes!), Camille and her friends explore topics like:

  • The power of community and collaboration, and why it’s often better to build something together rather than entirely solo.
  • Why the “if you build it, they will come” approach is often true; you might be surprised who shows up to support you if you put yourself out there.
  • Inclusivity, and how to make a community feel more inviting. (Including prompts to help newbies feel included.)
  • A great mantra and approach for starting anything new. (And how one person used it to turn their attic crawl space into an actual B&B with virtually no resources… well before Airbnb was a thing.)
  • Why centering your life and work around your values can give you motivation and purposefulness (and how to avoid “teenage aimlessness” at any age.)
  • Why DIY and amateur culture are so powerful; why you should embrace the things you suck and why you shouldn’t feel pressure to monetize something you love if you don’t want to.
  • The magic that can happen when you find “your people” and choose to spend your time with people you genuinely love.

(Plus, the proper length for any mixtape!)

In this episode, you’ll hear from host Camille DePutter, along with Colleen Burgess, Megan DePutter, Paul Hammond, Lukas Neville, Matt Nish-Lapidus, and Kim Walters.