From Code to Craft: Rustic & Main's Rise

The Unofficial Shopify Podcast

Apr 2 2024 • 50 mins

When Mike Yarbrough swapped his software development hat for a craftsman's apron to manage carpal tunnel syndrome, he didn't just mend his physical ailments—he forged a new path as an entrepreneur. Rustic & Main sprouted from his love for woodworking, evolving from a garage project into a bustling hub where historic materials are transformed into rings with stories. This episode peels back the curtain on Mike's favorite creations, like the Muir ring and the USS North Carolina battleship teak ring, offering a peek into the soulful process of preserving history through jewelry.

As Mike and his wife navigated the choppy waters of business expansion, they discovered that their personal journey mirrored the growth of their brand. From grappling with parking headaches to embracing Lean principles, their small venture expanded its roots, outgrowing the confines of their home and stretching into a full-fledged team. Learn how they dealt with the pandemic's financial whirlwinds, navigated the challenges of working remotely, and kept their marriage strong while steering the Rustic & Main ship through uncharted waters.

Stepping into the world of e-commerce and custom development, Mike's tale continues with innovative twists that have shaped the customer experience at Rustic & Main. Discover the woodworking ambiance of their ring-making studio and how non-traditional approaches to jewelry making have disrupted the market. Mike's journey is a testament to the power of ingenuity in craftsmanship and the relentless pursuit of a vision that marries rustic charm with entrepreneurial finesse. Join us for this inspiring conversation, chock-full of insights for both aspiring artisans and seasoned business owners alike.

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