Mini-Dungeon Tome II Kickstarter | Interview with Jonathan Nelson, Thilo Graf & Claire Stricklin (2023)

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May 11 2023 • 35 mins

Rob interviews Jonathan Nelson, Thilo Graf & Claire Stricklin about the Kickstarter, "Mini-Dungeon Tome II" by AAW Games.

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About Mini-Dungeon Tome 2

Mini-Dungeon Tome II contains a wealth of one-shots and side quests for 5th Edition. It is the standalone sequel to the best-selling Mini-Dungeon Tome published by AAW Games in 2018, and continues the collection with over 124 new mini-dungeons.

The Mini-Dungeons in this book are designed to be grab-and-go, easy to run adventures with minimum preparation required, covering levels 1–20.

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