YNDHP17 - The Black Death & The Statute of Labourers Act

Vintage History

Mar 24 2020 • 19 mins

In January 1349, Parliament was prorogued on the grounds that: 'the plague and deadly pestilence had suddenly broken out in the said place and the neighbourhood, and daily increased in severity so that grave fears were entertained for the safety of those coming here at the time.'

In March 2020 Dallam School closed its doors but Ye Newe Dallam History Podcast was still recording and felt the need to cover the Black Death for some reason. A GCSEish one with some technique for the similarity question but really just a chance to be topical. Oh and we cover the Statute of Labourers (1351), which was a law intended to maintain prices and wages as they had been before the 'pestilence'... that is more Crime and Punishmenty!

Along the way there will always be games and jokes but mainly this is serious history. Well as serious as we get!

Follow the GCSE History page on Sharepoint and follow @MrHowarth on twitter! Music: Jolly Good by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com