On today's episode Sophia tells the chilling tale of Lady Xook and the Mayan Doomsday. Paired with this story is Matt Parish’s 2021 Contra Costa Rose. Visit us at www.afinevintagepodcast.com for more information and to purchase merchandise!
Our sources include:
Calvin, Inga. Hieroglyphics Decipherment Guide. 2012.
Calvin, Inga. Maya Royal Dynasties. 2012.
Calvin, Inga. Supplementary Materials – Maya Hieroglyphics. 2012.
Coe, Michael. The Maya. Thames & Hudson; 5th Revised & enlarged edition, 1993.
Stone, Andrea, and Marc Zender. Reading Maya Art: A Hieroglyphic Guide to Ancient Maya Painting and Sculpture. Thames & Hudson, 2011.