The reality of being your own brand with influencer and blogger Britney Wilson

Stumbling Along

Mar 25 2021 • 39 mins

Just like your side hustle, Britney started off Pretty Little Hangers while working a full-time job. When she wasn’t working, she was writing blog articles and taking photos with the help of her mom (sounds familiar right?)

Fast Forward to now, Britney built an Instagram following of 88K, she has a successful lifestyle blog and she doesn’t have to do it on her own anymore as she has a team of people behind her. - A dream every person with a side hustle wants to achieve.

In this episode, she tells us what she was doing before Pretty Little Hangers, how she built her business, she opens up about the struggles influencers face, she gives advice for people who want to turn their side hustle into their career & she gives us our first look at summer trends

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