Ramblings & Musings on Soul Purpose & Earth Classrooms with Jayme Rose Gray

Nearly Enlightened

Apr 18 2024 • 1 hr

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Jayme is a Soul Purpose Guide & Business Coach here to help Conscious Entrepreneurs, Mamas & Mystics help make the Planet a Brighter Place for the Next Generations to Come!

After Two Decades in a Sales Career and helping Big Corporations make Millions of dollars, she realized it was time to help everyday women get their gifts out to the World and explore the possibilities of Time & Financial Freedom!

Jayme is the Creator of Tracking North Co. & The Soul Purpose Collective, which are global movements and mentorships that are designing the Energetic Architecture of the New World.

Jayme believes the issues and opportunities of our Global poly-crisis are igniting millions to wake up and leads those ready to get behind their Souls Purpose Work and Earth Missions!

She’s spent the last decade helping others Align with their Soul's Purpose & Life Calling and she’s here to help YOU illuminate the way forward with yours!

Giana and Jayme chat about finding your Soul Purpose and stepping out onto the path.

Connect with Jayme:

I want to hear from you. Do you have questions, want me to chat about something specific, have comments or feedback? Email me directly at info@nearlyenlightened.com