What DOES it mean to be the innkeeper of your soul?

Innkeeper of Your Soul with Siobhan Nash

Jan 2 2023 • 10 mins

In this episode, I share what it means to me to be the innkeeper of my soul now and what that looks like. I also share the essential truths that help me return to my belonging time and again.

Invitation for inquiry

Here are a couple questions to reflect on about being the innkeeper of your soul:

  • What does being the innkeeper of your soul mean to you?
  • What does that look like for you?
  • And what truths have you discovered on your journey that help you return to your own belonging?

My essential truths

Truth #1: I am perfect. Other people’s opinions about how I should look, how I should act, and who I should be are irrelevant. Who I am is exactly who I am meant to be. My opinion of myself is the only one that matters.

Truth #2: Be loyal to myself, always. That means not sacrificing myself or what I know to be right for me—my wants, my needs, my desires, my beliefs, and my boundaries—for anyone else.

Truth #3: Always trust my intuition. I already have the answers I’m looking for. I only need to listen to my intuition and follow its guidance. My intuition always knows the way home to my true self.

Truth #4: Nothing is more important than my connection to myself. Too often I have disconnected from my true self to do what I thought others expected of me and would make them happy. And, as I’ve learned from past experience, what I lose in the process is myself. I can’t connect with others in a meaningful way if I’m not connected to my Self. (That’s “self” with a capital S.)

Truth #5: My worth just is. I don’t need to prove my worth to anyone or rely on others to acknowledge my significance. My value is inherent in who I am.

Truth #6: I owe it to myself to take care of me first. I can’t nourish others if my soul is starving. As my friend Jonathan Foxwell said, “When the well is full, no one worries about spilt water.” When I say yes to me, the abundance flow to others.


If you’re looking for resources to help you tend the space within so you can know yourself better, check out my Allowing Prayers card deck and self-paced programs.

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