Belonging—a quality of the soul

Innkeeper of Your Soul with Siobhan Nash

Oct 31 2022 • 10 mins

In this episode, I share the discovery of my life’s theme and explore the qualities of belonging as well as the difference between belonging and fitting in.

Here’s the Hiro Boga quote I mention:

“Belonging is a quality of the soul ... Fitting in, on the other hand, is where you mold yourself to conform to someone else’s shape. Fitting in takes you away from your natural self, out of belonging. It leaves you eternally the outsider, far from home.”

And here’s the course that helped me uncover my life’s theme: Unlock Your Soul’s Calling []

Invitation for inquiry

If you're feeling like an outsider in your life, here are a couple questions to reflect on:

Where in your life are you conforming yourself to someone else’s shape of who you should be?

What small action could you take to bring yourself back in alignment with your true self, into a state of belonging rather than fitting in?

Belonging (a poem by my 16-year-old self)

Standing at the water’s edge,

The waves rushing through my toes,

I have a sense of belonging,

One I’ve never had before.

As the wind whispers through my hair,

And the clouds play high above my head,

It’s as though they’re trying to tell me something,

The words I have yet to comprehend.

But as the sun moves toward the horizon,

And the tide begins to disappear,

I think I’ve come to understand

The words I’ve longed to hear.


If you’re looking for resources to help you tend the space within so you can know yourself better, check out my Allowing Prayers card deck and self-paced programs.

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