Vanishing Fathers Series | Everclear Lead Singer Art Alexakis | The Story Behind "Father of Mine" Ep 100

The Truman Charities Podcast

Feb 28 2024 • 46 mins

Have you ever heard a song that you related to so much that you felt an immediate connection to it? For many people who have experienced abandonment by a parent, that song is Everclear’s 1997 hit, “Father of Mine.”
In this episode, Everclear lead singer, Art Alexakis, tells his personal story that inspired the song that still resonates with people of all ages. The divorce of his parents and subsequent abandonment by his father affected Art and his siblings in profound ways, but just like the song’s lyrics say, he was able to break the cycle and become the father he never had.
Now 34 years sober, Art is sharing his journey to sobriety, personal growth, and fatherhood with host Jamie Truman. He has advice for young men with the same internal struggles, and parents trying to raise children after divorce.
Tune in to hear Art talk about his love of music, writing the band’s powerful song, and its impact on his family and the world. Plus, find out which songs he’s written have the most significance to him!
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This episode was post produced by Podcast Boutique