Bridging the Gap with Leah Slokom: Unveiling the Power of Altruism in Building a Successful Real Estate Venture

The Stoic Agent Podcast

Sep 22 2023 • 14 mins

Have you ever experienced the profound wisdom that often lives within the hearts and minds of children, especially those battling disabilities or illnesses? Today, we unravel this fascinating subject with real estate professional Leah Slokom, whose charitable endeavors have led her to enriching interactions with these courageous young souls. Together, we reflect on the inherent bravery these children embody, a trait deeply admired in the philosophy of stoicism. Leah brings us into her world of philanthropy, sharing her experience with Make-A-Wish and the Give Kids the World compound in Florida—a sanctuary for children in need. We ponder over adulthood's often lost sense of wonder, and how to reignite that spark.

But what does giving back have to do with real estate? You might be surprised. We navigate the landscape of circle prospecting, a powerful tool in cultivating a successful real estate venture. Leah and I share stories from the field, including the triumphs of Samantha, an agent who propelled her mission with proactive fundraising. We also explore innovative strategies to inspire action, such as utilizing messenger channels to motivate others towards their goals. Join us, and let's venture into a conversation bridging the gap between altruism and business success. You might find just the inspiration you need to take your next big leap.

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