LeSS with Gene and James: Selecting a LeSS Trainer

Agile Carpentry

Nov 22 2022 • 12 mins

* Has your organization decided that it no longer wishes to be fooled by the "Agile Theater":   that peppers tens of thousands of people with shallow, superficial and fake changes?

* Do you feel that you wish to improve your organizational design more systemically, by bringing delivery people closer to users/stakeholders/customers, while reducing redundant org layers?

Great! Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) - Scrum by large product groups, could come to rescue.  It works well within the context of overarching organizational dynamics that beyond one team.

However, BEWARE!

Please, do not accept LeSS learning in its watered-down, simplified form, coming from unqualified trainers and consultancies that do not fully understand the essence of LeSS.  Do not rely on heavy decks of consultants, or internal 'agile centers of excellence' that promote that idea LeSS can seamlessly fit your existing organizational structure and be successfully integrated into your existing 'agile operating model'.

Before deciding if LeSS is for you and something  that you wish to invest in, please learn LeSS from its authentic source: one of the qualified and accredited Certified LeSS Trainers and Coaches.

James and Gene can tell you more about 'why'.

Related Links: Learn @ James: https://agilecarpentry.com/

Learn @ Gene: https://www.keystepstosuccess.com/

Learn @ Agile Theater: https://www.keystepstosuccess.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/framework_agnostic_enterprise-1.jpg

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