1.08 - Using Logic and Intuition to Cultivate Wellness with Lori Wilson-Hudson

Selfish Mama Matters

Mar 14 2023 • 41 mins

"Text us to share your feedback!"

In this episode, Tina Unrue talks with Lori Wilson-Hudson about building a bridge between logic and intuition. In a world where we've been taught to prioritize logic over feelings, tuning into our intuition is a novel concept. Lori encourages moms to start cultivating a sense of presence so as to build your intuitive muscle so that it can be used in all aspects of your daily life. Both Tina and Lori leveraged their intuition to self-advocate for their health and wellness needs and continue to do so to manage their respective chronic illnesses.

Lori Wilson-Hudson is a passionate and highly intuitive coach, helping leaders optimize their confidence and break through personal and professional barriers. She is committed to supporting a client's ability to see and question the opportunities available to them in order to live a life of holistic wellness.

Guest: Lori Wilson-Hudson

Host: Tina Unrue