Ep 052 | How To Have an Abundant Life & Business with Buki Ekeowa

Kingdom Wealth Conversations For Christian Women Building Online Businesses

Dec 25 2023 • 40 mins

In this episode, I'll talk about how to blend faith and business for a richer life. I'll share tips on making money and managing wealth, all based on lessons from the Bible. You'll learn how to grow your business the Christian way and use God's teachings for success. I'll explain how the Bible can guide us in making smart money choices and building a successful business.

Join me as I explore how faith can help us achieve wealth and happiness in both life and business. Let's find out together how to live abundantly!

🎁Grab a copy of - The 12 Biblical Laws Workbook To Guarantee Financial Success: https://bukiekeowa.kartra.com/page/12BiblicalLawsOfFinancialSuccess

Want to jump in and learn more from Buki now?

🤩New & aspiring female coaches that want to do business God's way click the link here to get started for just $7/m: https://www.kingdomcoachingprofits.com/JoinNow

🤩Join the Client Flow Accelerator Waitlist: https://me.bukiekeowa.com/TheClientFlowAccelerator

🎁Grab the FREE $10k/m ROADMAP & BIBLICAL DECLARATION CALENDAR: https://me.bukiekeowa.com/10kRoadmap

👇Watch the YouTube Episode here👇

Hey, I’m Buki Ekeowa, Kingdom Business Coach & Online Marketing & Sales Strategist who has used biblical principles to create multiple six figures and a business that I absolutely LOVE using my gifts & talents.

Want to do that too?.

In this podcast I will teach you how to:

-> Use your gifts and expertise to radically multiply your income online

-> Grow your business without having to be on social media 24/7

-> How to create online assets, so you get paid while sleeping

-> How to make more money and impact through following clear wealth principles from the Bible

-> How to grow spiritually as a Christian Entrepreneur

I’m excited to help you create MORE INCOME & MORE IMPACT in your business like never before.

Next Steps:

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