Ep 054 | 5 Bible Verses That Will Change Your Life & Finances Forever with Buki Ekeowa

Kingdom Wealth Conversations For Christian Women Building Online Businesses

Dec 27 2023 • 13 mins

In this episode, I'm sharing a personal story of how my life and finances were transformed by God's guidance and 5 practical money management tips inspired by the Bible. These tips can make a life-changing difference in your financial journey.

I'll take you through my own experiences, showing how faith, prayer, and these biblical financial principles helped me overcome money challenges and build my 6 Figure business!🙏

Join me on this journey to discover how faith and these practical tips can improve your financial well-being and lead to a more fulfilling life.

🎁Grab a copy of - The 12 Biblical Laws Workbook To Guarantee Financial Success: https://bukiekeowa.kartra.com/page/12BiblicalLawsOfFinancialSuccess

Want to jump in and learn more from Buki now?

🤩New & aspiring female coaches that want to do business God's way click the link here to get started for just $7/m: https://www.kingdomcoachingprofits.com/JoinNow

🤩Join the Client Flow Accelerator Waitlist: https://me.bukiekeowa.com/TheClientFlowAccelerator

🎁Grab the FREE $10k/m ROADMAP & BIBLICAL DECLARATION CALENDAR: https://me.bukiekeowa.com/10kRoadmap

👇Watch the YouTube Episode here👇

Hey, I’m Buki Ekeowa, Kingdom Business Coach & Online Marketing & Sales Strategist who has used biblical principles to create multiple six figures and a business that I absolutely LOVE using my gifts & talents.

Want to do that too?.

In this podcast I will teach you how to:

-> Use your gifts and expertise to radically multiply your income online

-> Grow your business without having to be on social media 24/7

-> How to create online assets, so you get paid while sleeping

-> How to make more money and impact through following clear wealth principles from the Bible

-> How to grow spiritually as a Christian Entrepreneur

I’m excited to help you create MORE INCOME & MORE IMPACT in your business like never before.

Next Steps:

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