Laura Perkins, CPDT-KA - ”Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has beauty, magic and power in it.”

UNLEASHED (at work & home) with Colleen Pelar

Nov 10 2022 • 30 mins

Each of us has visions of what we want in life- things we hope to do, achieve, and experience. Envisioning, planning, and daydreaming about these things can be useful and is certainly enjoyable, but when it comes time to take action to try and make them a reality…well, that can be intimidating, even frightening. It’s often tempting--and always easier--to simply enjoy the daydream. So how do we inspire ourselves to act? To take that first step towards making our dreams a reality? For Laura Perkins, it means remembering the “beauty, magic, and power” of boldness, even in the seemingly small actions of sending that email or making that phone call. She joined me today to talk about her career, building a community, and being willing to be bold.