Pat Blocker, CPDT-KA, FFCP - ”It’s quite possible that an animal has spoken to me and I didn’t catch the remark because I wasn’t paying attention.” E.B. White

UNLEASHED (at work & home) with Colleen Pelar

Dec 8 2022 • 28 mins

Communication is at the heart of any relationship. So much of a healthy relationship depends on being able to communicate our thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires to the people we love. This isn’t always easy, of course- wires get crossed, words get misunderstood. And all of this gets even harder when one of us isn’t human. We love our pets and we think (or at least hope) that they love us as well. But how can we be sure when we can’t speak the same language? Is it even possible for us to have authentic communication with our animal friends? Pat Blocker joined me today to talk about this very issue. A lifelong animal lover, Pat has always had a desire to communicate with pets. Now, in her capacities as both a dog trainer and a certified animal communicator, she does just that. Join us as we discuss how we can communicate better with animals, and what we can learn simply by paying attention.