OTT 221 Ready, Set, Teach: Preparing Emergency Sub Plans in the Elementary Classroom

One Tired Teacher

Jul 31 2023 • 28 mins

Ah, the joys of teaching! The laughter of children, the thrill of imparting knowledge, and the exquisite pain of preparing for every imaginable scenario.

We're talking about sub plans - those magical documents that ensure your students don't go off the rails when you're out sick or stuck in a traffic jam, or worse, have a family emergency.

Now, if you're an elementary school teacher, you know all too well that sub plans aren't something you can whip up in five minutes. Oh no. They must be detailed enough to cover multiple subjects and flexible enough to accommodate different levels and personalities. And if you teach 2nd grade? That requires some extra creativity (and maybe a dash of caffeine) and some extra luck to write just the right plan for even the pickiest of subs.

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