OTT 224: How to Promote Effective Reading Comprehension in the in the Second-Grade Classroom

One Tired Teacher

Aug 21 2023 • 28 mins

Oh, second grade. A time of innocence, wonder, and... you guessed it- reading comprehension?

Yes, you heard it right. Understanding what we read is essential for success in almost every aspect of life and is honestly the whole point of reading. Yet, comprehension can get lost in a world where we focus a great deal on WPM (words per minute). And as much as we'd like to believe that kids naturally "get it," the truth is that effective reading comprehension needs to be taught and nurtured.

So, if you're a teacher or a parent wondering how to impart this oh-so-important skill to your little ones, get ready because here we go! In this blog post or podcast episode, depending on whether you are reading or listening, we'll explore the best way to promote adequate reading comprehension in the second-grade classroom. We've covered you, from identifying the main idea to tackling those pesky comprehension questions.

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