OTT 230: 9 Important Things Students Really Need to Know About Digital Citizenship

One Tired Teacher

Oct 2 2023 • 1 hr 4 mins

In this digital age where cat videos and viral challenges reign supreme, it's easy to forget that there is more to being an online citizen than just knowing how to double-tap on Instagram.

Yes, my dear friend, it's time we talk about digital citizenship skills and digital citizenship in a digital world – a concept that goes beyond posting selfies and clever hashtags on social media. So grab your virtual thinking caps and prepare to level up your digital literacy skills because, in this post/podcast, we'll unravel nine crucial things you really need to know about navigating the vast terrain of online communities like a true cyber-savvy pro. Buckle up, folks; it's going to be one wild (and educational) ride!

If you need lessons for digital citizenship, I've got you covered:

Digital Citizenship & Internet Safety Lesson Plans and Activities BUNDLE K-3

Digital Citizenship & Internet Safety Lesson Plans & Activities for Kindergarten

Digital Citizenship & Internet Safety Lesson Plans and Activities for 1st Grade

Digital Citizenship & Internet Safety Lesson Plans and Activities for 2nd Grade

Digital Citizenship & Internet Safety Lesson Plans and Activities for 3rd Grade

After all, the internet is a vast playground filled with opportunities and dangers alike – it's up to us to teach them how to play.

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