The Road to Building a Global Entrepreneurs Network

The Solopreneur Journey

Oct 6 2020 • 55 mins

Some people wake up uncertain about how they are impacting the lives of others. David Wagstaff starts and ends his day filled with joy, knowing that he has become dubbed the Dream Maker. A finance Guru turned serial entrepreneur, David launched (Eprenz) as one of the most powerful networking resources for entrepreneurs. I love the company's opening statement, "Name one entrepreneur who's succeeded alone. We'll wait." It explains that entrepreneurs need each other to flourish, which is the basis for the mentor's network of like-minded individuals and vital resources to help you achieve your goals.  Here David explains how he found a way to help entrepreneurs across the globe connect in ways that accelerate their business and bring him joy. [0:27-0:58] Brief Background of Ex-pat Entrepreneur Jewel Daniel (Host of Solopreneur Podcast) Jewel Daniels is the head of Daniels Communications Global, a leadership development firm that specializes in executive coaching, cultural competency, and develop the best in you. She is also a bestselling author of four books, with her latest release, (Three Sides of Every Crisis). This book talks about how to find opportunities in the midst of a crisis by learning to adjust your perspective so you can pivot, strategize and take action to #kickthecrisis. [1:00-1:38] About The Solopreneur Journey Podcast The Solopreneur Journey Podcast reaches out solo entrepreneurs, single-shingle, one-person enterprises who are just starting their business or killin’ it in business. The show is ripe with information for those transitioning from careers to become entrepreneurs and growing to becoming business owners of larger companies. You will glean lessons everyday solopreneurs and those who have scaled their business featured as guests who pay it forward to share leadership lessons, the power of collaboration, how to price your goods and services, negotiation, marketing and practicing excellent EQ (emotional intelligence). One of the shows strongest offerings is its ability to cover a wide spectrum of industries with people around the globe in a way the appeals to its audience by meeting people where they are along their solopreneur journey. [08:53-09:47] In this episode of Solopreneur Podcast, David Wagstaff founder of Chief Dream Maker of (EPRENZ). Their mission is to make a meaningful difference to 100,000 entrepreneurs by May 2024 and as of this writing, they already have 88,000 members in the group. They want to make a difference regardless of someone's ability to pay. Regardless of where they sit around the globe. Who David Has Helped through Eprenz [18:45-19:08] David has a client from India who started attending their open group. David and his team helped him with his personal income in a way of cleaning up his resume, making it professional looking that will help him get a job that will pay five or ten times what he’s earning. They are also setting him up as a freelancer to do engineering design, given his background mechanical design. [19:37-19:51] The foundational piece they’ve been working on is building the LinkedIn Profile, resume, freelance websites, all of those things. Then the other piece is to help him paint the journey of where he’s going. Biggest Misconception and Lessons Learned about Running a Business [22:06-22:18] When you start out as an entrepreneur, you get really clear on your own personal limitations, those things you can do well. But there are so many different things you need to be good at too. [23:04-23:13] The importance of teams come in. Whether they're employees or contractors, or just advisors that are helping you. [23:29-23:48] Running a business is about collaboration. It's about strengthening your emotional intelligence skills, so that you understand not just you, and how you respond to things, but you have this level of...