Creative to CEO: Unlocking the Potential of Monetizing Your Creative Skills | MMCB Episode 2

Minding My Creative Business Podcast

Jan 15 2024 • 52 mins

Show Notes - Episode 2 - Creative to CEO: Unlocking the Potential of Monetizing Your Creative Skills

This episode covers the difference between being a creative and a creative entrepreneur, shifting mindset to a CEO perspective, examples of long-term strategies, embracing scalability, case study of scaling as a creator with B Simone, personal experiences in money-making projects, scaling on YouTube with Think Media, and using creativity to generate revenue while embracing opportunities for growth.

1 - Key Topics

1. From Creative to CEO: Unlocking the Potential of Monetizing Your Creative Skills

2. The CEO Mindset: How Thinking Like a Business Owner Can Amplify Your Creativity

3. Scaling Up: The Art of Expanding Your Creative Business with a CEO Mindset

4. Turning Creativity into Profit: Strategies for Building a Successful Creative Entrepreneurship

5. Creative Entrepreneurship 101: Navigating the Shift from Artist to Business Owner

6. The Power of Scaling: How to Leverage Your Creative Skills for Business Growth

7. Creativity as Currency: Embracing the CEO Mindset to Monetize Your Talents

8. Unlocking the CEO Within: How to Turn Your Creative Passion into a Profitable Business

9. Amplifying Creativity: The Roadmap to Thriving as a Creative Entrepreneur

10. Think Like a CEO, Create Like an Artist: Building a Sustainable Business from Your Craft


creative, creative entrepreneur, expensive equipment, return on investment, CEO mindset, value, income, services, products, clients, margins, key performance indicators, profit, growth, long term, scalability, delegation, batching, scheduling, professional editor, scaling, business owners, balloon arch, recording artist, audience, fan base, merchandise, bakery, B Simone, Wild 'N Out, manifesting success.

Timestamped Overview:

00:03:02 Focused on improving creativity through craft.

00:05:26 Creating brand strategy and achieving financial goals.

00:07:05 Creatives may not prioritize return on investment.

00:11:08 Transitioning from selling creativity to monitoring financials.

00:16:30 Timing and strategy for profit and supply.

00:19:49 Scalability for creatives: expanding your business.

00:21:43 Scaling involves delegating tasks and expanding offerings.

00:26:02 Creators delegate by batching and outsourcing editing.

00:29:00 Online personality scales brand through various ventures.

00:32:11 "Think Media: How to Scale Up YouTube"

00:38:55 Using my creativity for a money-making project.

00:46:20 Creativity can generate revenue and growth.

00:50:59 Join Creative Corner community: newsletter & Facebook. Visit to join.


1. How would you define the difference between being a creative and being a creative entrepreneur?

2. In what ways do you think a CEO mindset can benefit creative entrepreneurs?

3. Can you think of any examples from your own experience where thinking like a CEO benefited your creative business?

4. How do you currently approach scalability in your creative business? Are there any areas where you can see room for growth?

5. Have you ever delegated tasks in your creative business? If so, what impact did it have on your productivity and ability to scale?

6. Are there any aspects of your creative business that you feel are not currently scalable? How might you be able to overcome these challenges?

7. After listening to the episode, has your perspective on monetizing your creativity changed? If so, how?

8. Have you ever considered collaborating with other creatives or turning your business into an agency model? What potential benefits or challenges do you see in doing so?

9. What steps can you take to shift your mindset from solely...