180: What is Health?

Spirit of Success

Sep 5 2022 • 25 mins

My intention was to give you a recap of Dr. Joe’s most recent event and what I ended up recording was an episode about an overall theme that came up at the event

The scientific researchers talked about the importance of health and how we don’t have an accurate working definition of it - and literally the effects that has culturally…which I talk about in the episode

Why is this relevant?

When people hear of success - mostly we think about money, cars, houses even business success..however, if you don’t have your health, do any of those matter? I know with the pandemic, these are not new issues anymore

But they are easy to push away when you don’t feel pain or have a disease.

What I find so interesting is that people who literally have a disease talk about how they never actually stopped to consider what health was until they had to

I wanted to start this conversation to normalize this topic of considering what is health to you?

Remember what you give your attention to is also what you give your energy to - and I want everyone to create health for themselves!

Tune into today’s episode to hear more about what I’m talking about! And reach out to me on IG @drtracydebi to let me know what resonated with you from today’s episode

If you feel the calling to make a change in your life but are unsure how to navigate it from an energetic standpoint, I would love to share what I know with you. You can book a clarity call with me to discuss your personal situation: https://calendly.com/drtracydebi/clarity-call

🙌 I’d love to hear your big takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @drtracydebi

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