152: If It Was Easy, Everyone Would Do It

Spirit of Success

Jun 16 2022 • 22 mins

Everyone is abundant but not everyone experiences that abundance and I believe a large reason is the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual energy that is required

I did not have a good understanding of this so I never experienced true abundance that was consistent

Until I learned this - if your goal is abundance your energy will drop in the beginning OR you will experience chaos OR lose things in your life


Because whatever is not in energetic alignment with abundance has to leave your life in order for you to experience it! And this is where most people get distracted with what they are losing/what is going ‘wrong’. All the momentum built up is lost if your focus on what you want is lost

If you are able to stick with it long enough, you break energetic connections to people/places/things in your life and that energy comes back to you! So now you can create what you want!

I believe this is the missing link that will help many people on their path towards abundance!

If you are interested in guidance along your journey or path, book a call with me here: https://calendly.com/drtracydebi/clarity-call

🙌 I’d love to hear your big takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @drtracydebi

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🙌 Want guidance in finding your alignment this year? Book a clarity call with Dr. Tracy here