171: Letting Parts of You Die

Spirit of Success

Aug 1 2022 • 22 mins

So I was indeed right with my feeling; my broken finger was a setup! Setup for a choice

I realized this week I hit the end of an emotional belief system and I felt like my only option was to get curious about what was on the other side

This triggered a dark night of the soul experience where I felt disconnected, lost and honestly pretty lonely the past week. Not to mention confusing. I have been resisting this for some time because I didn’t believe I was ready to deal with emotions that led me to believe suicide was the only option for me in the past.

Something wanted to die, but it wasn’t me ‘per se’. It was that emotional belief system that was outdated and no longer serving me. Parts of me felt very attached to those beliefs so the process was actually going on for longer than I wanted to admit to

This can be a scary process if you don’t have guidance and people you can talk to.

My intention is to share my experience vulnerably with you so that if you are also experiencing this, you know you are not alone!

A huge reframe shifted my perspective dramatically and allowed me to move through this with grace and ease. Tune in to find out what that was.

If you are experiencing the same feelings, please reach out to someone you trust or reach out to me! I do not want anyone to feel like they are alone! DM @drtracydebi or you can schedule time with me here

🙌 I’d love to hear your big takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @drtracydebi

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