Podcast ”Flipping the HR Script - Leading With Truth”

In HIS Name HR

Aug 24 2023 • 30 mins

The workplace. Where employers and employees converge. What is the culture of your organization? Is it Woke? Or Awake? What is the difference? Terms like DEI, ESG, and CRT have been in the news, but what do they mean to you – and what is an appropriate response for a faith-based workplace leader?

Host Linda J. Hansen is the Founder & President of Prosperity 101 Podcast, LLC, and the creator of the Breakroom Economics™ program.  She is passionate about helping to enhance communication between employers and employees, especially regarding basic economics of job creation and business prosperity.  Her original book in the Prosperity 101™series, entitled Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity™, and the accompanying Workshop Facilitator Guide, were first published in 2009, and have been widely used across the country.

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Mark A. Griffin is paving the way for employment opportunities without fear of religious discrimination even as the government seeks to reshape the business landscape. Mark stands  in the gap and lives out his Kingdom mission by providing an alternative Bible-based DEI program for Christian nonprofits, churches, ministries, and camps. He also serves Christian-owned for-profit organizations looking for wiser choices in this space.

Listen in and glean beneficial information for your organization. You can contact Mark through his website, inhisnamehr.com, or find him on Twitter @inhisnamehr.