Get the job of your dreams by nailing the application and interview process

Make It Happen Today

Nov 18 2021 • 29 mins

So you want to get a new job?

It's time to search for the right job for you at the right company that suits your interests and skillsets.

Do your research on the company. Make sure your CV showcases the skills they advertise on the vacancy.  Add a covering letter to your application. Connect with the HR Manager on Linkedin with a personalised note about your application.

Stand out from the crowd. Make sure your application ticks all the boxes they are looking for. Take initiative.

And when you get that interview, make sure you dress to impress. Make sure you turn up with questions about the role and the company and make sure to think about the hard-hitting questions they will ask you - What are your weaknesses, what are your strengths. Make sure you turn all opportunities into a positive spin.

Make sure your social media is on pointe - 58% of employers will look at your social media when deciding who to interview / hire

And finally, don't be afraid to follow up and thank them for the interview. Make yourself memorable!

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