Family Betrayals: Unveiling the Depths of Probate Fraud

The Expert Podcast

May 10 2024 • 1 min

Introduction to Probate Fraud and Family Betrayals:

  • Probate fraud and internal family theft have been topics of discussion for years, but they're now gaining attention in mainstream news.
  • Stories of individuals like a brother draining $200,000 from their mother's savings raise questions on how to prevent such actions.

Scope of the Issue:

  • Probate fraud extends beyond divorce cases, where hiding assets is common.
  • Within families, individuals who interact regularly, such as during Thanksgiving or family reunions, might not seem likely candidates for theft, yet it's happening more frequently than expected.

Understanding the Dynamics:

  • The anonymity afforded by stealing from a non-relative is absent within families, yet people are still engaging in fraudulent activities.
  • Access to funds in probate cases makes it easier for individuals to divert assets or manipulate financial records undetected.

Challenges and Prevalence:

  • Stealing from neighbors is challenging due to limited access to their finances, but within families, individuals may have access to bank accounts, allowing for check forgery or beneficiary changes.
  • The epidemic of fraud within families is a concerning trend, where individuals are shamelessly taking what doesn't belong to them.

Protecting Your Family's Assets:

  • Vigilance is essential, whether it's suspicion surrounding a deceased family member's assets, a divorce, or mismanagement of finances.
  • Seeking professional assistance for accounting forensics, asset searching, and tracing can ensure that assets are safeguarded and not unlawfully taken advantage of by family members.

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