Cyber Liability: Holding Companies Accountable Beyond Damages

The Expert Podcast

May 11 2024 • 4 mins

State-Level Cyber Breach Laws:

  • Many states now have data privacy laws that require companies to adhere to certain best practices and protections for consumer information storage.
  • Breaches may result in statutory damages and payments to affected parties, which can be financially burdensome.

Cyber Liability Insurance Impact:

  • Cyber liability insurance companies are adjusting their policies to account for potential breaches and associated costs.
  • Underwriters consider the possibility of paying out claims for covered breaches when issuing policies.

Data Privacy Legislation and Litigation:

  • Changes in data privacy legislation have led to an increase in litigation, including class-action lawsuits.
  • Legislation such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) grants breach victims the right to sue businesses for unauthorized access to their personal information.

Implications for Businesses:

  • Companies face liability even without evidence of damages if personal information is compromised.
  • Compliance with prevention practices and a thorough understanding of insurance coverage are crucial to mitigating risks.

Risks and Exposures:

  • Businesses may unknowingly expose themselves to liabilities due to inadequate prevention practices.
  • Understanding policy terms and ensuring comprehensive coverage are essential for risk management.

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