How to Create the Best Business Community for Faith-Driven Entrepreneurs

Truth & Business Show

Mar 19 2024 • 47 mins

How can we create the BEST Business Community for Faith-driven entrepreneurs? By integrating and weaving together both Hebrew and Greek thought into how we approach community.

You may not have realized it, but these ancient styles still influence how we build communities today! The Hebrews, with their focus on shared history and faith, remind us of the power of belonging and support. And the Greeks, with their emphasis on reason and active participation, are like bustling town squares brimming with ideas.

Our modern Christian business communities can be like beautiful tapestries woven from both threads. Imagine business communities where shared faith creates a strong foundation, but open communication and diverse perspectives help everyone grow.

So, what kind of community tapestry will we weave? The answer lies in finding the right balance, drawing on the strengths of both these ancient perspectives.

In this Episode of the Truth & Business Show join DeneenTB and Mary Alore as they talk through how we can pull from Hebrew thought that is all about community, collective responsibility, and tradition, and at the same time lean on Greek thought that is more about individualism, intellectual curiosity, and innovation to create a new mosaic of what it means to be in a Christian, faith-driven, business community.

Join us as we explore the Hebrew and Greek styles of community and see how they can weave a powerful tapestry for your Christian business! We’ll look at four specific areas that are the foundation to the best community when woven together correctly.


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