How to serve God daily as a faith driven entrepreneur

Truth & Business Show

Sep 5 2023 • 44 mins

Do find yourself thinking or saying these things:

  • I wish I had more time to serve God
  • I would love to attend Bible study but can’t fit it into my schedule
  • I want to have a God-centered business that truly serves Him
  • I don’t have time to do one more thing

Why do you have any of these thoughts?

Is it because you have ‘learned’ to serve God in only one specific way (aka church sponsored activities)?

Can you say volunteer opportunities!

AND maybe the enemy is using those traditional beliefs to keep you distracted from serving God daily as a faith driven entrepreneur.

God is not calling you to follow a set of rules to serve Him.

Galatians 5:1 Paul says, “So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.”

How can changing your mindset set you free to serve God daily while growing closer to Him along the way?

On this episode of the Truth & Business Show we chat about how changing the way you think about how to serve God means changing the way you view your business.

You were meant for something different as a Christian Entrepreneur. God wants you to connect your Faith & Business and see the Marketplace as your primary mission field.

Stop feeling GUILTY about what you think you 'should do' and start to see how you can SERVE God daily through your business.

We’ll (Mary & DeneenTB) also give you a P.O.W.E.R. Plan to help you do what God is asking you to do.

Join us to find out how you can serve God daily by turning your traditional beliefs around and see your business making a real impact for the kingdom.


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