Biblical principles for building your business with God’s reasons in mind

Truth & Business Show

Jul 18 2023 • 40 mins

There are many reasons to start a business. Like . . . to follow your passion, to take control of your schedule, to be more creative, to make more money, or to get out of the corporate environment.

Most of us, as Christian entrepreneurs, felt a type of calling. A pull on our hearts to step out and do something for God.

We may have thought, this is what God wants, so He is going to bless it.

And for many of us, that meant He would bless it, financially.

How do you measure Success in your business?

Is it the number of new clients, meeting your financial goals each week/month, checking off tasks completed, the connections you’re making?

On this Episode of the Truth & Business show we are going to chat about what success in God’s economy looks like and for what reason or reasons He has you in business.

  • How does God measure Success?
  • What reason does God have for you to be in business?

We will answer these two questions and give you a plan to follow God’s way of doing business, in obedience to Him.

Join us, DeneenTB & Mary to find out how you can have a God-centered business by building on His principles for your success.

Where you can find DeneenTB:



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