Episode #19 Top 5 Mistakes People Make with Their Voice (And How to Fix Them for Instant Revenue Boosts!)

Find Your Voice and Rock Your Confidence with Vocal Coach Sloane Reali

Aug 22 2023 • 28 mins

Picture this: you're about to close a big deal, and suddenly, your voice lets you down. Sounds familiar? In my latest podcast episode, I delve deep into the world of "Vocal Blunders" and how they can make or break your success. From hilarious anecdotes about mumble jumbles to heartwarming success stories, this episode is a rollercoaster of emotions. I've uncovered surprising twists linking our voice to our confidence. But don't fret; I've also got a treasure trove of tips that promise to transform your vocal pitfalls into powerful pitches. This is not just an episode; it's a revelation! You'll laugh, you'll learn, and you'll walk away with a newfound respect for the power of your voice.


If you’d like to learn more or If you’d like to see how this works for you click the link to schedule a session:

Are you ready to awaken and discover your unique voice?  What If you could find your individual sound with a few simple tools?  How would it feel just to be a little more comfortable using your voice?  I believe we ALL have unique gifts and talents along with creative contributions to share with others.

That’s why I’m gifting the Video Series, “Discover Your Voice” available NOW!  These are super short, easily digestible “How To” videos to find and connect with YOUR voice.  Module 1 includes a quick Welcome, followed by (7) seven complimentary videos, total listening time less than 30 minutes for you busy people.  Watch all at once or spread them out over a week.  Whatever you’re learning style, this is an EXCELLENT place to start in overcoming any challenges you’ve had with your voice.

If you’re someone who’s always loved singing (in the shower, car, etc.) and feeling like you want a place to play… this is a great place to do that. Whether you’re an emerging artist, a hobby singer, a public speaker, coach, teacher, author, or doctor.  I’ve been helping all of the above for over two decades as an Expert Voice and Confidence Coach.  Whether you’re feeling stuck with your voice, and you desire to unlock it, or you’ve been trying to do it on your own and simply can’t reach the next level, you’re in the place.  Start HERE.