This episode revolves around resettlement. In the aftermath of Yolanda, local officials instituted a ‘No Build Zone’ policy for residential structures along the coast and made a decision to relocate survivors to a distant inland site called Tacloban North. We hear lived experiences and expert views on how this focus on retreat from physical hazards of the sea neglected social and economic realities, particularly for fisherfolk who were disconnected from their livelihood. We also learn about the current struggles of communities at resettlement sites and about an alternative, people-driven project that relocated survivors closer to the city.
Brando Bernadas, Tacloban City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office
Ted Jopson, Tacloban City Housing and Community Development Office
Ladylyn Mangada, University of the Philippines Tacloban College
Ela Atienza, University of the Philippines Diliman
Aida Vidal, FRANCESCO Consortium/ Pope Francis Village
Dexter, Algina, Estrella, and Philip, Tacloban City residents
Carried by Water is created and hosted by Mario Soriano. It's a production of Blue Lab at Princeton University.