Salespeople Are Paid To SELL, Not Offer Discounts

SRS Business Builders

Apr 6 2023 • 21 mins

Research suggests that more than 60% of sales people will cut their price if the prospect requests it – even if the prospect acknowledges the solution is better and worth more.  Think about that.  In our world, this equates to the prospect telling you they believe you’re the better choice and you deciding to give them a discount anyway.  And to be clear, the prospect knows this will happen – that’s why they ask for the discount.   Experience has taught them to apply pressure because when they do, the salesperson will cave.  It’s as simple as that.

So why do salespeople cave?   That is exactly what I’m going to talk about on this podcast.  I’m going to shine a light on the reasons we gives discounts and hopefully - more importantly – get you thinking about what you should be doing to eliminate this problem.

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