Purchase the Idea Tracker today (the price goes up on 4/16/24) and be automatically registered for the free workshop on April 15 at 12:00 PM Central Time.

In the workshop, I will help you set up your Idea Tracker Dashboard, learn some easy formatting tricks, customize it with your categories, and walk away feeling organized and ready to input all your ideas.

In this episode, I'm delving into six specific ways to refine your coaching program so your students can experience more success and rave about their experiences in your course and with you as their coach.

I drew insights from my students' feedback, the changes I'm making inside Organized Coach Academy, and my personal experiences in the courses and coaching programs I've been in.

Key Points:

➡️  Include a table of contents

Explore the significance of providing a comprehensive table of contents for your coaching program. Learn how it offers clarity and helps students/clients navigate course content efficiently.

➡️  Provide Checklists for Each Module

Adding a checklist can streamline the learning process for participants, fostering a sense of accomplishment as they check items off, track their progress, stay motivated, and celebrate wins.

➡️  Share how you (as the expert) would do it

Share your expertise on how YOU, as the expert, recommend that they navigate through your program. Guide participants on the ideal approach to maximize their learning experience.

➡️  Review and Recap

Consider incorporating periodic review sessions to reinforce where documents and trainings are, remind them of important features, tour the portal, and assist participants in tracking their progress effectively.

➡️  Open Communication and Feedback

Emphasize the importance of establishing an environment conducive to open communication. Encourage participants to seek clarification, ask questions, and provide feedback on their learning journey.

➡️  Make everything searchable

When you teach your students and clients to search your content for the answers, you empower them. But you need to make it easy! Videos are not searchable, so be sure to include a synopsis with the key search terms or the transcripts in written form so they can find what they are looking for.

Implementing these strategies can transform your coaching program, enrich participants' learning experiences, and enable tangible progress toward their goals.

Reflect on these insights and identify one area within your coaching program where you can improve using one of the six ways to client success.

Resources Mentioned:

Purchase the Idea Tracker (and automatically be registered for the workshop on 4/15/24!)

Organized Coach Academy FREE Workshop: 3 Secrets to Organize Your Digital Files Client Tracker FREE File Naming Formula Cheatsheet

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