Join Organized LIfe Academy while the doors are open. Use this link to get $100 off when you join before April 1, 2024. April is the start of a new quarter with a new project for Q2. You are eligible to register for our live event as well, and as a bonus, you will be included in the monthly VIP calls when you join now.

Is your home organized? Do you love coming home and being in your home?

In this episode, I share my insights about home organization.

I share my definition of being "organized," what area of my home is a complete pile of clutter, and what I think about maintaining organization.

As a Professional Organizer for over 15 years, I have been in hundreds of people's homes. I've seen it all. When I'm in a home with abundant stuff, I am overwhelmed. I could not get or stay organized with so much stuff. You have to start by reducing the amount of stuff.

There are three ways to reduce what comes into your home by becoming aware of your

  • Buying habits,
  • Paper habits, and
  • Collection habits.

Your current home, cabinets, drawers, and closets are the "containers" you must work with. When reducing your things to fit in your "container," start by choosing your favorites—the things you love and use often. Then you can move to the remaining items. This helps make decision-making easier.

Our 3-fold approach this year in Organized Life Academy includes a monthly decluttering focus, a mindset focus to help you create an organized person's identity, and quarterly projects.

Listen to the episode to learn more. If you are ready to make organizing your home and life fun and don't want to try to figure it out alone, join us now in Organized Life Academy.

Resources Mentioned: Connect with me:

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