38 | 5 Tips to Organize All the Courses and Programs You’ve Purchased

The Organized Coach - Productivity, Business Systems, Time Management, ADHD, Routines, Life Coach, Entrepreneur

Jan 16 2024 • 22 mins

Can you resonate when I talk about coaches purchasing a LOT of courses, joining a lot of programs and masterminds, and enrolling in a lot of certifications and memberships, all to learn, improve their skills, and ultimately grow their businesses?

That's one of the reasons coaches hire me - to help them organize, prioritize, and execute the programs they've already invested in.

But, the fear of missing out (FOMO) keeps all of us distracted, looking at new programs, certifications, and downloading all the shiny objects that promise results.

In this episode, I share five tips that will help you organize your courses and programs. I teach you

  • Where to store everything
  • How to organize it all
  • How to access it quickly
  • A system to prioritize what to work on next
  • What to do to STOP buying

The key moments in this episode are:

02:42 I've ended some things for 2024 and opened 1:1 private coaching spots 05:19 Tip #1 - Slide all courses, programs, certifications, and freebies into a folder called "Education." 08:08 Tip #2 - Download course material into subfolders  09:15 Tip #3 - Make a folder on your Bookmarks bar to hold all the links to key material  12:21 Tip #4 - Prioritize using the cost, deadline, and these three questions 17:45 Tip #5 - STOP buying more programs.

Which tip will you implement first?

Your Systems Expert,

Resources Mentioned:

1:1 Private coaching with Tracy Plan Your Year Calendar Episode 1 - 4 Steps to Organize Your Digital Files... Episode 16 - Is Your Bookmarks Bar a Mess? How to Organize...

Organized Coach Academy FREE Workshop: 3 Secrets to Organize Your Digital Files

Idea Tracker Client Tracker FREE File Naming Formula Cheatsheet

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