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After a year of podcasting, I thought sharing a little about me would be fun so you know who I am.

Well, get ready. I started from the beginning and gave you a chronological overview of my entire life. 🤣

I share about my childhood in Minnesota, the big move, high school in El Paso, Texas, and college in Denton, Texas. Then, my "be-crazy-before-I-get-tied-down" decision to move to California, where I made a defining decision that changed the course of my life. Then, I moved to Kansas City, Missouri, to work as the Girl's Program Director in an inner-city ministry. In Kansas City, met my husband, and we grew our family.

Life was so good. I recognize and continue to see the blessings I was given in my life - things I had no control over and others I worked hard for and chose.

In 2016 came the hardest challenge of our lives - my son's c5-c6 spinal cord injury.

I share how I started my organizing business, how life coaching came into my life, my decision to get certified, and how I transitioned my business to fully coaching online and then changed my niche to helping coaches organize their businesses.

Whew! I go through it quickly.

Hopefully, you feel like a friend now!

I'd love to hear your story. Tag me on Instagram to share your story or ask me questions. Maybe I'll do a follow-up "get to know me" episode in the future.

Resources Mentioned:

Value Workshop with Caryn Gillen

Organized Coach Academy FREE Workshop: 3 Secrets to Organize Your Digital Files

Idea Tracker Client Tracker FREE File Naming Formula Cheatsheet

Connect with me:

Website Email Instagram