Sweaty Palms? 3 Things You Need to Say To Yourself Before Your Audition

The Confident Musicianing Podcast

Jan 23 2024 • 10 mins

I'm sure you know the feeling of nervousness before auditions -- we all do. But have you every considered that the way you talk to yourself before that audition can affect your audition? Join me, as we dive into 3 crucial things to remind yourself before you take that audition, so you can go in there with confidence and excitement.

We dive into ways to frame the audition in your mind, how to think of the judges and adjudicators, and how you can own your audition. So grab a cozy drink, take a seat, and let's chat about audition self-talk!

Wanna learn more about using contagious excitement in an audition? Click here to listen to episode 2: Transforming A Disaster Into A Music Conservatory Acceptance (ask me how I know).

Do you like to read? Cause this episode is available in a blog post. Click here to read.

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