Advancing Senior Wellness through Technology and Design with Tod Petty

Senior Housing Investors

Mar 26 2024 • 46 mins

Embark on a visionary exploration of senior living with Tod Petty, the marketing maestro at, as we unpack the seismic shifts in technology and healthcare that promise fulfilling futures for our elders. Discover how the industry is pivoting towards a value-based care model, emphasizing wellness and longevity, and why it's crucial to meet the impending housing demands of the next decade. John Hauber's conversation with Tod covers the essential role of data analytics, and the critical insights from his podcast, Senior Housing Unfiltered, arming investors with the knowledge to capitalize on the forthcoming senior housing boom.

Picture a world where managed Wi-Fi, RFID door locks, and digital signage are not just amenities but vital components in the ecosystem of senior living, enhancing the sensory experiences and overall well-being of residents. Witness the strategic implementation of these technologies through the lens of concierge sensory design and learn how these investments aren't merely future-proofing facilities but actively contributing to the success of aging gracefully and independently.

Listen in to grasp the profound implications of AI and healthcare partnerships in the senior living sector, where predictive analytics could become the norm, improving care and extending the ability of our aging population to live more autonomously. John and Tod discuss the synergy between senior living facilities and third-party healthcare services, where technology amplifies the capacity for predictive healthcare insights. Don't miss Tod's engaging narrative of his journey and influence within the industry, poised at the brink of a new era of innovation and growth.