What's Next For The Inbound Category w/ Kipp Bodnar, CMO of HubSpot

Category Thinkers

Aug 22 2023 • 42 mins

Today, we have a special guest whose work has made a lasting impact in the realm of category design — Kipp Bodnar, the Chief Marketing Officer at HubSpot.

🛠️ About HubSpot:

HubSpot isn't just a software company; it's a well-known category design success case with inbound marketing. By crafting a narrative around the inbound philosophy, HubSpot has succeeded in not just selling a product but shaping an entire ecosystem.

🤝 In This Episode:

Kipp shares insights on how category design has influenced his career trajectory and the broader landscape of modern marketing.

🤖 AI and Category Design:

Kipp delves into how artificial intelligence is set to change the game entirely for category design. As AI continues to evolve, Kipp argues that the power of category design will become even more critical.

🔮 What's Next for HubSpot and INBOUND:

Ever wondered what the future holds for HubSpot and the inbound marketing category? Kipp gives us a look into what's on the horizon of big ideas that will shape the inbound marketing ecosystem.

Don't miss this conversation with one of the most influential figures in modern marketing.

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