Trailer - Criminal Defense Referrals

The Business of Criminal Law

Dec 19 2022 • 2 mins

In this episode, Joshua Baron introduces his latest book, Criminal Defense Referrals: How to Fire Google and Connect with your Ideal Clients. He discusses several approaches to finding referrals, and the benefits of finding what works best for you and your practice.

In other words, the book helps criminal defense lawyers build referral relationships that lead to a business those lawyers love.

When I was in law school, the institution put on an event focused on teaching students how to start their own law firms. They had one-hour sessions with three or four successful lawyers. My only question was: how do you get clients? They talked about copiers or leasing an office space... but never answered that burning question. I was appreciative of these individuals and their generous donation of time and knowledge, yet the information they shared was vague and often resulted in invitations to join local bar sections or rotary clubs.

I was perplexed. How long would it take to acquire clients and get the firm off the ground? How much could I expect to make? How reliable was this structure?

In 2017, my business partner retired and I had the opportunity to ask myself: What do I want my law practice to look like? How would I get my name out there? Advertising was the usual answer. But that didn't feel right. I looked around and recognized that several of my colleagues met all of their clients through referrals. Bingo. I took a lot of their advice, and left behind those things that didn't work for me.

The result: Criminal Defense Referrals.

This book is not meant to be a cookie-cutter, fill-in-the-blank workbook. Instead, it's organized around 10 questions that you need to answer in order to build your referral business. After all, your business and cases will look different than what I've built over the past few years.

But by thinking carefully about these questions, I'm confident you can build a business around sincere, word-of-mouth referrals without having to worry about those pesky kickback fees for paid advertisements.